Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Project Based Learning in AP Calculus AB

I am looking for ways to incorporate project based learning in AP Calc. Has anyone out there used the CBL units to show the relationship between derivatives and integrals? I think that is one I would like to start with.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Using Technology to Improve Math Comprehension

My classes this summer are devoted to finding ways to implement appropriate types of technology in my classroom. Note that I use the qualifier appropriate because I don't want to artifically use technology. Instead, I want to use it to create deeper meaning in authentic, project based learning.

Is anyone else out there taking the Intel - Teach to the Future class this summer? I feel that it is providing the framework for teachers to tie the Kansas math standards with technology.

Please reply to my posting if you are in the class or if you use technology in creative, constructive ways in Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Precalculus, and or AP Calculus AB.
Thank you!